Saturday, 28 February 2009

Blogger rating

In addition to this blog I also write a "World of IT" blog over on Wordpress. I really only set the two blogs up originally to play with how the technology worked, so that I could offer better support in my day job.

I decided pretty early on to user blogger for nicer side of IT reviewing new software and services while I use Worldpress to have a rant and discuss the darker side of IT the dangers and the nightmares. This worked quite well because I could play with different writing styles on the two blog and last year I had the honor of being asked to write a couple of pieces for the local Paper, which was great as I got to work with a guy called Lewis Harrison, who did a great job of polishing up some of the wotk that I produced, and obviously some of his skills must have rubbed off, because have rated worldofit with a 8.3 rating putting it up in the top 10 technology blogs.
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